Another project by the Warzone Elite Force Clan. New Weapons
available, including rapid firing lasers, AA flaks and NEXUS Link.
New unit types such as scavenger bodies, Kamikaze tanks and VTOL
NEXUS-link. The AIs are powered by BecomePrey 2.66, so no cheat is
used. This mod give you a complete NEXUS-playing experience. Either
you hunt the AI down with NEXUS-link, or they do that to you.
Suitable for players looking for fast and exciting gameplay.
Limits mod
allow you to build 7 research, 50 oils and additional power
generators. Widely used in online multiplayer games. Only the host
of the game needs this mod installed to take effect.
WZS2 / Mod Only
1. This mod is required only by the host of a
2. Work best with high oil custom maps (Teamwar series)
3. Recommended to be use with WZS2.
aiBoost is developed by team.
The Mod consist of maps, models, scripts, AIs, tools from other
mods/developers all in one. aiBoost is design to make AIs advantage
over human players by boosting its ability so game balance is not important. AIs
are also made to have different tech tree unlike human players.
Cheat scripts do made them nearly invincible. With these, the AIs are harder to
beat with their extra resources and speed. Want to experience chaos
in warzone2100? Try out aiBoost then.
This mod cool change the outlook of
vehicle bodies and weapons, making them look better. Existing
weapons are modified to either improved their projectile effect so
that they become more usable.
BecomePrey (BP) AI is designed for
K-I-C-K mod by WarzoneEliteForce. BP is an AI of Intelligent, which
is completely different from the rest of the AIs out there which
uses cheat to enhance their ability. To date, BP is the ONLY AI out
there that contain 0% cheat (Useless user enable them manually). It
is the multitasking that made BP a nearly invincible enemy of your
skirmish game. Many non-cheating scripts made AIs work together to
become invincible. If you want a challenging AIs and a fair game, BP
is your choice!
KMS2-Modules(76.5 kB)
1. This AI works with 1.10
and 1.11. However, BP cannot use 1.11 stuff.
2. Work best with high oil custom maps (TeamWar series)
3. Require KMS2.
it here.
WZS2 / Mod
(69.6 kB)
1. This AI works with 1.10
and 1.11. However, BP cannot use 1.11 stuff.
2. Work best with high oil custom maps (TeamWar series)
3. Recommended to be use with WZS2.
Games have released Warzone2100 source code. It is released with no
support provided, so use at your own risk. You can find download
links for the source code @
Source code
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