This section tells you what how people
play in multiplayer online (Gamespy Arcade). If you are new to
Warzone2100 you may read the Newbie Guide
Warzone2100 was made to allow multiple strategy play including usage
of many different type of attacking units, way of attack and defense
strategy. Choice of weapons and strategy were also very important for
your success in multiplayer online games. However, when time goes by,
people start to be frustrated and forget about the original game style
of warzone2100. Lots of online Wazone2100 gamers started to win
through speed, which gave birth to the making and playing of high oil
and flat maps online play.
If someone host a low oil maps, nobody
will join.
High oil Battles in flat maps:
Examples of High oil Maps:
TeamWar, New TeamWar, UltimatePower, UltimatePower, etc.
In high oil maps, you do not scout for
oil. Power management is also not important. You need to know the tech
tree well and be fast. You need to also know how to manage and group
your attacking units to achieve victory. Please refer to Online Tips
and Tricks Section for detail.
Every player start
with at least 30 oils in their base. Everything are in the base, so
nobody has to protect their external resource outpost. Its scary to
see how players attack. No terrain, no obstacle, nothing... All about speed.
Please Observe some of the
common rules used in online play:
Rules |
Descriptions |
1 |
Commonly used |
Usage of VTOLs are
not allowed.
VTOLs are nuisance to many dedicated rusher or defender. It can stop
columns of ground units and batteries of artilleries in a few rounds
of strikes. Usage of VTOLs somehow prevented many rush and took down
defenses in just few minutes. Many online players are not used to
VTOLs and thus do not allow others use it to prevent possible threat.
With VTOLs taken away Warzone2100 became a land, Sea and artillery
only battle. Being fast in producing units and artillery become the
only key to win.
2 |
No Halfs / No Dummies
Commonly used |
No half built
structure allowed.
Basically, a Warzone2100 bug made artillery target half-built
structures (Fake structures that do no function). Since player cannot
control their stationary batteries, artilleries continue to fire on
enemy's half-built structures and not the main base or defense
structures. This is a very good but wicked strategy if not banned. The
banning of controllable Mobile artillery penalize themselves, which
cause the banning of Half-built. The key of this structures is that
they cost nothing to build them!
3 |
No Mobile Arty
Commonly used |
No Mobile
Artillery allowed.
Mobile Artilleries are artillery turrets (Howitzers, Rockets and
Mortars) mounted on vehicles. This artillery can be built first in a
mass (not firing so as to prevent enemy CB fires) and then set out on
bombardment on enemy stationary batteries, thus clearing many defenses
and artilleries. Mobile Artilleries are used for attacking, so a column of Mobile
artillery can simply advance near to enemy base in a far range and
take out fortifications easily. This is because stationary artilleries
required trucks to build them, and trucks are easily destroyed or
stopped. This rule was made to let artillery stay on defenses and not
offensive. But guess what? Stationary artillery can be used as
offensive too.
4 |
No Cyborgs
Commonly used but normally
not specified. |
Building of cyborgs is allowed. Its common sense that to win at
high oil battles in online games, you have to maximize your
number of units while mixing of variety of units are not
require. Cyborgs are cheap but slow and have low hit points, so
you do not build cyborgs to weaken your attacking force.
Remember, there is a limit on how many units you can build.
5 |
No Truck Rush
Rules for long game
Building of
defense structure in enemy base forbidden. Your truck do not
cross the center of the map. Imagine that when you are building
units for an assault on enemy base and end up being locked up in
your own base area. Building of defense near enemy base occurs
at early stages or in very long game. Doing so at early stages
are considered "Truck Rush".
6 |
Build Time / No Early Rush
Rules for long game
No crossing center
link before the Build Time (BT). This Rules are hardly used.
However for slower player, build time are given (5 - 10 minutes).
Before the build time, no units may cross the center line of the map.
Its somehow useless since, after the time is up, the faster player
will still sent his/her units and attack the enemy. However, for
slower play who can build up to enough units maybe able to hold up the
enemy's attack. People who want long game will always specify a build
time. This rule also prevent early truck rush from enemy.
7 |
Limits on
Commonly used |
Limits is a mod
that increase the maximum number of base structures you can
build. With limits on, you can build up to 7 research centers,
17 power generators and 50 oil derricks. Its important to know
whether the host set "limits on" as it is required only be the
host and you may not know whether is it enabled or disabled. If
disabled, you can only build 5 research centers, 5 power
generators and 30 oil derricks.
8 |
No Newbie / Professionals Only |
If you are a
newbie, the host don't welcome you. The host is most likely an
experience or professional player who want some challenge
instead of a boring game with a newbie. It also makes you sick
when in a team battle, when you discovered that your teammate is
a newbie. Imagine someone mounting an AA gun on a tiger track
and wondering why it don't fire.
Rules are set when the host do not benefit from them, and thus
disallowing them to avoid possible threat. These rules however,
restricted many original warzone2100 features. If you happen to join a
game with the host stating full of weird rules, quit or risk
unexpected tactics.
Some rules are common sense,
like No cheating. Warzone2100 cheating involves the "time hack". This
make your research, manufacturing and unit speed much faster than
other players. Cheaters are not welcomed, so don't be one of them.
NOTE: It is important to find out from the host what the
rules are before starting the game to avoid confusion, which may
end up spoiling the entire game. |